· Castle.pdf.
· H is for Heaven.pdf. · Heaven Clouds.pdf. · Heavenly Gates.pdf. · Mansion.pdf. |
Subject: Bible
“What Heaven Will Look Like?” Picture
· In circle time pose the questions & discuss with the class: What will Heaven be like?
· Setting up the creative work space you will need supplies listed. · Encourage the students to create a picture depicting what Heaven will look like to them. · Discuss/share as a group what each child created. |
Display in the classroom or hallway.
Rainbow/Heaven Twirlers
Start by having your students paint rainbow stripes on the front of the paper plate.
· Let it dry. · Flip over the plate and repeat. · Using scissors and start cutting a spiral from the outside of the paper plate, inward. · About an inch or so works best. · Use 3×5 cards. · Write the word: “HEAVEN”. · Attach the decorated card to the spiral. · Hang around the room. · Discuss with your students the joys of heaven, their hopes and wishes, etc. |
Story Talk
- Blow up a beach ball.
- Write different feeling words in each section.
1) mad
2) happy
3) sad
4) angry
5) quiet
- Explain each word that you have placed on the ball.
- Place a knit stretchy glove on the right hand of a volunteer student.
- Throw the ball to the student.
- Whatever word the gloved hand lands on, discuss that part of the story of Saul/Paul.
Paul’s Map
- “I wonder if Paul used a map while he was traveling around teaching others about Jesus.”
- Show the children different types of maps.
- Have the children draw their own map.
Paul Review
- What did Paul do after he followed Jesus?
- Did Paul always love Jesus?
- Why were new believers called Christians?
- What were the two ways Paul traveled?
- Can we tell others about Jesus?
While Paul was traveling around telling people about Jesus he was following Jesus, his leaders.
Activity: Play “Follow the Leader”
- The teacher can be the leader first, so the students have an idea of what a leader does.
- Then have a student be the leader.
- Have the students take turns being the leader and following others around the classroom or school.
- At the end of this activity discuss what it was like being the leader and having others do everything they did.
- Ask: as a leader should you be mindful of what you do?
- Discuss leader qualities and being a leader at home and school.
- Talk about setting a good example for others.
God’s Story: Paul’s Journey
Discuss with the class about Paul’s Journey
- After Paul became a follower of Jesus he traveled around and told everyone he met about Jesus.
- The people who listened to Paul speak were surprised at what they heard, “Isn’t this Saul the man who did not like Jesus?”
- This was Saul the man who did not like Jesus.
- One-day Jesus blinded Saul with a bright light. While Saul could not see, something happened in his heart and he became a new man and his name was changed to Paul.
- Paul loved Jesus and became a great follower of Him.
- He also loved other people who followed Jesus.
- Many people became Christians because they began following Jesus.
- Paul traveled with many Christians and told everyone about Jesus.
- When people decided to follow Jesus, Paul baptized them.
- When someone is baptized it is their way telling others that they have decided to follow Jesus.
- Paul started many churches everywhere he went.
- Sometimes he would walk for many days by foot and other times he would take a boat across the seas.
- He told everyone about Jesus’ love for them.
- The church grew because more and more people decided to follow Jesus.
- We can tell others about Jesus just like Paul did.
Sing the song: “I have decided to follow Jesus”
Kindergarten Year B Quarter 4 Episode 6
“A Blind Man Learns To Lead”
A {Paper} Chain of Kindness
- Create a paper chain of kindness with the students by cutting 2 x8.5 inch strips of colored construction paper and writing an act of kindness on each chain link; staple the links together.
- Select a variety of colored construction paper.
- Start by pre-marking the colored construction paper into 2″ wide strips.
- Place these sheets of construction paper in the writing center for the students to cut.
- Discuss with the student’s ways they have shown kindness to others.
- Write those things on each strip of construction paper.
- Staple the strips of construction paper to form a circle then attach another strip, looping through the previous strip to create the paper chain.
- Display in the classroom as a reminder of kindness shown to others.
Feeling Puppets: Dorcas’s Gift
- Make simple emoji type faces on small paper plates for examples.
- Use a craft stick and tape it to the back of the plate.
- Cut off your plates to create a semi-circle.
- Using the puppets, demonstrate to your students that their faces show a lot about how they feel on the inside.
- Let the students give examples of how your face (using the puppet) might change with a simple act of kindness: hug, smile, a wave.
- Encourage the students to make their own puppets.
Act of Kindness
- Select a simple act of kindness from the list below to do for someone else:
o Write a note/draw a picture for a classmate
o Let someone go before you in line
o Push in someone’s chair
o Hold a door open for someone
o Play with someone new during recess
o Give a silent wave
o Say ‘hi’ to someone new
o Thank an adult in the school for something they do
o Sharpen someone’s pencils
o Make a card for your teacher
o Give a compliment to someone
o Help someone who has dropped something
o Help someone before they ask
o Give a nice compliment
o Clean up after yourself
o Clean up after someone else
- After completing the act of kindness discuss as a class:
o How did it make you feel to do something for others?
o What was the response from the recipient?
Bible Story-Discussion
- Read the Bible story “Peter Helps Tabitha” Acts 9:36-43.
- Discuss—What can I do to help others?
o Simple acts of kindness: hug, smile, a wave, prayer, etc.
o Helping Mom & Dad at home with chores
o Helping your teacher and classmates at school
o Helping in your community:
1) Homeless kits to hand out
2) Collecting cans or food for a basket
3) Caring for someone who is sick
4) Making a card for someone who is sick
5) Giving clothes and food to others
Pool Noodle Boats
- Cut pool noodle approximately 1 inch in diameter with a kitchen knife
- Measure the straw and cut 3 inches tall.
- Draw a triangle on the foam sheet approximately 2 inches tall.
- Make a hole at the top and the middle of the triangle.
- Use the tip of the scissors to make a hole for the straw.
- Thread the straw through the holes.
- Put the straw into the hole, you might need to use hot glue to keep it in place.
- Encourage your students to reenact the Bible story.
Google: Ship Wreck
- Google—ship wrecks—images.
- Show pictures to the students.
- Ask: How did Paul stay calm?
- What did the weather look like?
- What did the weather sound like?
Sharing Songs
Song: It’s Time to Share
Tune: “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain”
Oh, it’s time to share our toys with our friends
Oh, it’s time to share our toys with our friends
Oh, it’s time to share our toys
Oh, it’s time to share our toys
Oh, it’s time to share our toys with our friends
Pre-school Songs about Sharing
The Sharing Song – Christian with actions – LilXtreme Kids Clubhouse
You Can Take a Turn, Then I’ll Get it Back! – Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood – PBS Learning Media
Bible Stories
Everyone Shares – “Be generous and ready to share.” 1 Timothy 6:18
Discuss with the students what it means to share:
- How can they share at home, at school, or in the community?
- Brainstorm ways to share in the classroom:
- Share manipulatives
- Share a pencil, crayons, scissors, etc
Art/craft activity: Making Cards for ‘shut-ins’ or for sharing
- Select a color of paper.
- Fold it in ½ to make a card.
- Draw a picture on the front.
- Write: ‘Get well soon’ ‘Thinking of you’ ‘Smile’ etc.
- Inside: write a Bible verse or an encouraging note (with teacher help).
- Give the card away to a neighbor, church member, friend, etc.
Jesus Loves You!
- Discuss ways we can see that Jesus loves us: family, home, creation.
- Talk about our mission to share Jesus: kindness, helping others.
- What can you do to share Jesus with friends and neighbors?
Sing a Song Together:
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus love me
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus Loves Me– learn sign language to go along with the song
Handprint Heart: “We are Family”
- Draw a large heart on a poster board.
- Choose several colors of paint.
- Paint the palms of your students and ask them to place their hands inside the heart.
- Fill the heart with handprints.
- Title poster: We are Family.
- Ask the students to look at the handprints.
- Tell the class they are all similar but none of them are the same.
- Hang poster in a visible part of the classroom.
Additional Resources for Listening Centers
Clothes Pin dolls
Note: Use items you might have in your craft area
- Work together to create dolls similar to the picture to the right.
- Make several dolls.
- Read theme stories.
Note: The dolls are a different and excellent way to retell the story
Interactive Story Play: Abram & Sarai’s Travels
Based on Genesis 12 & 13
· Use popsicle sticks to create labels for where Abram & Sarai traveled: Haran to Shechem, Egypt, Bethel, and Hebron.
· Find a sturdy box top that you can use for a base (cut sides down to 2″-3″).
· Place sand in the box.
· Add plastic trees and two people (Abram & Sarai).
· Use blocks to create a tent (or create a tent with popsicle sticks and fabric).
· Use rocks (3-4 at each site) to indicate where Abram & Sarai made alters to God.
· The students can interact/play with the Abram & Sarai travel sandbox.
Dramatic Play
- Print the PDF on cardstock.
- Ask the students to color the figures before cutting them out.
- Use glue and a piece of masking tape to secure the puppets to the craft stick.
- Encourage them to use dramatic play to reenact the story.
Abram and Sarai
Review the story of Abram & Sarai with the students
- How they trusted in God.
- How God led them.
- God’s promise to them.
- How God was faithful to His promise.
- Watch the video clip below about their special baby.
Gracelink: Special Baby
Craft activity
God’s Promise Banner
· Use a half sheet of light blue construction paper pre-cut.
· Cut 4 yellow stars.
· On each star have the children write the following words:
o Star 1: God
o Star 2: Keeps
o Star 3: His
o Star 4: Promises
· Glue a popsicle stick at the bottom of the banner.
· Place a string/yarn/ribbon at the top of the banner.
· Place a popsicle stick at the top of the banner covering the string/yarn/ribbon.
Art Activity
Abraham in the Dessert – talking to God (“God made a promise to Abraham” Genisis 17
Create a picture of Abraham in the desert with the stars in the sky
· Use a piece of light blue construction paper.
· Create sand hills; spread glue around creating hills and sprinkle sand on them.
· Place star stickers in the sky (or student can draw their own).
· Cut out a shape of Abraham (or have student draw their own Abraham).
· Place the cut out of Abraham on the sandy hills.
Videos: YouTube
A Long Trip
- Pretend to go on a long trip.
- After a bit of a walk, stop and pretend to unpack and get ready for the night.
- Lay a blanket and pillows on the floor…if possible set up a tent in a corner of the classroom.
- Pretend to make supper.
- Read the story together.
- Gather stuffed animals, figurines etc., to pretend to be the people of Israel.
- Pray together, worship, sing a song.
Follow the Leader
- Pack a small snack for your child.
- Preface to wait to eat it later.
- Tell the students you will be playing follow the leader.
- If weather allows, make your trek inside and outside.
- Ask: How do you feel about walking to go places?
- Take a rest and encourage them to eat the snack.
- Help them to imagine traveling without cars, airplanes, etc.
- Give them the opportunity to be the leader.
- Read the story lapbook: God Wants Us to Follow Him—The Big Move.
- Show the students an overnight bag.
- Tell them you are going to pretend.
- Say: Imagine you are going on a trip….
- Ask: What shall we bring?
- Evaluate things packed.
- Then imagine a big move with your family.
- Tell them that Sarai and Abram were following God’s command and trusting Him no matter what.
- Ask: How do you think Sarai and Abram got ready for the trip?
- Read the theme story again.
- Answer questions along the way.
Heavenly Coloring Pages
· Castle.pdf.
· H is for Heaven.pdf.
· Heaven Clouds.pdf.
· Heavenly Gates.pdf.
· Mansion.pdf.
Create a “What Heaven Will Look Like?” Picture
- In circle time pose the questions & discuss with the class: What will Heaven be like?
- Setting up the creative work space you will need supplies listed.
- Encourage the students to create a picture depicting what Heaven will look like to them.
- Discuss/share as a group what each child created.
- Display in the classroom or hallway.
Rainbow/Heaven Twirlers
- Start by having your students paint rainbow stripes on the front of the paper plate.
- Let it dry.
- Flip over the plate and repeat.
- Using scissors and start cutting a spiral from the outside of the paper plate, inward.
- About an inch or so works best.
- Use 3×5 cards.
- Write the word: “HEAVEN”.
- Attach the decorated card to the spiral.
- Hang around the room.
- Discuss with your students the joys of heaven, their hopes and wishes, etc.
Reenactment Puppets
- Encourage the students to color the puppet shape.
- Glue the printed coloring sheet to a piece of construction paper.
- Encourage the students to cut each puppet.
- Tape the figure to a popsicle stick.
- Ask the students to reenact the story with their puppets.
Food Sort
· Find the PDF files labeled “Rainbow Vegetable Sort”.
· Print on cardstock and laminate.
· Cut each picture apart.
· Students could use the PDF provided for sorting or provide them with pieces of felt coordinating with the colors of food.
· Lay the felt pieces in a focused area; floor, table, or around the room like a treasure hunt.
· Place the food cards in the middle of the area.
· Allow your students to “bounce” back and forth between each color.
· Encourage them to explore the different colors and how unique they are in appearance.
· Instruct your students to locate fruits and veggies by name.
· Other sorts might be as follows:
1. Sort the foods by color
2. Sort the foods by fruits vs. veggies
3. Sort by size and shape
4. Sort by likes vs. dislikes
· And perhaps make a note of what foods they might like to try.
Note: Later in the week, bring in several foods your students took interest in
My Body as the Temple of God
- Discuss 1 Corinthians 6:19 NLT “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?”
- Why is your body referred to as a Temple of God/Holy Spirit?
- What does that mean?
- How does it apply to children?
- What can you do to protect your body and keep it healthy for God?
Healthy Body Song:
The Vegetable Song
(Sung to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Carrots, peas, and broccoli
Vegetables are good for me,
For my snack and in my lunch,
Veggies sticks are great to munch.
Carrots, peas, and broccoli
Vegetables are good for me!
(Found at www.storytimekatie.com)
Hand Washing Song
(Sung to the tune of Frère Jacques)
Tops and bottoms
Tops and bottoms
In between
In between
All around your hands
All around your hands
Now they’re clean
Now they’re clean
Brushing Your Teeth Song
(Sung to the tune Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Got my toothpaste, got my brush
I won’t hurry, I won’t rush
Making sure my teeth are clean
Front and back and in between
When I brush for quite a while
I will have a happy smile
White Board Explore
· Place white boards, erasers, and dry erase markers on a table.
· Allow students some time for free exploration.
· Later, ask your students to draw pictures of times when they have made a good choice.
· Ask students to dictate what they have drawn.
· Note: This activity gives a teacher ample room to work on behaviors that need to be improved within the classroom. Remember to sandwich: good, bad, good
Choice Sort: Good vs. Bad
- Laminate a variety of pictures involving activities and foods that are both positive and those that should be done in moderation.
- Draw a horizontal line down a piece of paper.
- Label each side with a positive and negative symbol of your choosing.
- Instruct students to determine each picture as positive or negative.
- Ask questions associated with individual choices.
Note: For a minimal fee, this teacher has gathered a variety of pictures and clipart that might save some time with this activity
Sheep Mask
- Give each child an extra-large heavy-duty paper plate.
- Cut out the center of the plate so you can see the child’s eyes, nose and mouth.
- Glue cotton balls all around the rim of the plate, approximately 3-4 inches in width.
- Cut out floppy ears and glue to the back of the plate.
- Have the children walk around the classroom wearing their mask say “BAA, BAA…”.
Handprint Sheep
· Help the children trace their hands, on construction paper.
· Cut out the tracing.
· Pop popcorn using a hot air popper, allow to cool.
· Create the head and feet.
· Swirl glue in the body area.
· Place popcorn close together.
· Allow to dry thoroughly.
· Glue the sheep to green construction paper.
· Write the memory verse at the bottom of the page.
· Watch video clip “The Lost Sheep”.
Round up the Sheep
· Talk about how “The Lord is our Shepherd” Psalms 23:1 and how we are His sheep. Even if one of us gets lost, He will come and find us.
· Blow up white balloons ahead of time and draw sheep faces on each balloon.
· Have the children form a line and put a Good Shepherd costume on the child at the head of the line and have them guide the “sheep” back home using a fly swatter or a Christmas cane decoration. Let each child experience being a “Good Shepherd”.
· Explain to the children that the fly swatter or cane represents the staff the shepherd uses to gently lead the sheep back home. We need to be kind and gentle with each other as Jesus is kind with us.
What are Sheep?
· Watch video clip.
· Discuss characteristics of sheep.
· Explain the Bible mentions sheep over 600 times.
· Read some of the reference texts found on the Intro page, slowly.
· Instruct the students that every time they hear the word “sheep” to say “BAA”.
· Ask: Why do you think Jesus calls us sheep?
· Read Jesus Cares for Me – “Little Peter”.
What does it mean to be kind?
- Define acts of kindness.
- What does kindness look like? Include animals, neighbors, friends, and family.
- Watch video clip again.
Songs for Kids Online-Kindness
Be Kind to others is good for your health
- Read the theme story: Jesus Feeds Many People.
- Ask the question again. What does it mean to be kind?
Paper Plate Baskets
· Place the paper plates on top of each other and fold in half.
· Cut a half circle from both plates.
· Instruct the students to color the underside of each paper plate.
Note: a woven basket can be great for texture rubbing
· Create a basket by stapling around the paper plate or by using a hole punch and lacing it together with string/yarn.
· Place wheat thins and gold fish inside the basket for a snack.
· Draw/ trace onto paper 2 fish and 5 loaves; color, cut out and place in ‘basket’.
Introduction to the Story
- What do you think you need to be happy and safe? (food, water, family, friends…).
- Watch video clip.
- Give blackline 3.2, to the student.
- Write the word SHARING on top of the page.
- Color the basket of food.
- Memory Verse Practice.
Field Trip: Farm
Note: Pictures do not do justice to the smell, but will help with the imagination process.
- Plan a trip to a farm or look at pictures.
- The video clips and songs below have been chosen for their simplistic farming ways.
Recite the following rhyme, adding a child’s name each time:
Moo, moo, brown cow,
It’s time for _____ to line up now.
Playing Pigpen:
- Ask your child to create a pigpen.
- Legos, blocks, or couch cushions can be used to make an enclosed area for you and your child.
- Have your child wear the pink pig hat made in the kindergarten curriculum.
- Tell your child to make the /oink/ sound whenever they hear the word pigs.
- Read the story “A Loving Father”.
Book about farms and farm animals
- Apples Here! by Will Hubbell.
- Going to a Horse Farm by Shirley Kerby James.
- If It Weren’t for Farmers by Allan Fowler.
- Milk: From Cow to Carton by Aliki.
- Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Farm by Joy Cowley.
- The Wheat We Eat by Allan Fowler.
Coloring Pages / Card
· Print from a variety of coloring pages: see PDF.
· After coloring, glue to a larger piece of construction paper.
· Share the picture with family or a neighbor or friend.
· Ask student to tell the story using the finger play above.
Finger Play
- Follow the story below.
This little boy was very sick. (Hold up left pointer index finger, put in right palm and cover with fingers)
He couldn’t run. (Run fingers on lap.)
He couldn’t walk. (Walk fingers on lap.)
He couldn’t jump. (Jump fingers on lap.)
He couldn’t even talk. (Cover mouth with hand.)
Then Jesus made him well. (Point up.)
Now he can run! (Run the fingers on lap.)
Now he can walk! (Walk fingers on lap.)
Now he can jump! (Jump fingers on lap.)
Now he can laugh and talk! (Smile.)
–Norma Bell, adapted by Robert Robinson–
- Read the lapbook story.
- Create a What, Why and How chart on large chart paper or classroom board.
- Fill in the other blank lines with the children’s stories of illness.
What happened… | Why did… | How did… |
to the boy in the story?
the daddy go looking for Jesus? | Jesus make the boy well? |
- Watch video clip for another wonderful miracle of Jesus.
Sabbath School: Jesus Get-well Party
God is Here
- On a large poster board draw a cloud.
- Encourage your child to cut out the cloud.
- On one side, glue pieces of orange, red and yellow tissue paper.
- Ask your child to go into their tent.
- Ask:
1. What would it be like to move all the time?
2. What do you think the people of Israel would do when the cloud moved high in the sky?
- As you raise the cloud high, encourage them to neaten up their tent and prepare to leave.
- Have students walk around the room following the cloud.
- Ask:
1. How would the people of Israel have to trust God as they moved through the desert?
2. Where would they get their food?
3. The desert is a place with little water, how would they get water?
- Look at the pictures from the story.
Israelites and the Desert
- BrainPop Jr.: Deserts.
- Gather supplies before class.
- Sit inside or outside your tent area.
- Place a large table cloth or towel in front of the tent for better clean up.
- Encourage your child to participate with actions and sounds.
1. Your child could wear sandals or flip flops
2. Walking barefoot on sandpaper or sand can be used as well
3. Moaning and groaning while rubbing their tummies and acting thirsty
4. Spread bread or corn flakes on a tablecloth or large towel. This can simulate gathering of “manna”
5. Bath robe or large t-shirt with a tie for costumes
6. Head covering
7. Use long sticks or yard sticks for staffs while moving in the desert
- Read the story from your tent location.
Introduction to the Story
- Read “Desert Surprise”.
- Brainstorm what it might be like to live in a desert.
- Watch the video clips below.
Wadi Ram, Jordan. As Bedouins living in the desert
Note: There is a series if you desire to learn more
- Ask:
- Did you learn about the desert?
- Would you like to live in the desert? Why or why not?
- Build a tent in your living space.
How to Build a Simple Blanket Tent
- Encourage your child to make it an enjoyable space to “hang out in”.
Note: It will be used frequently throughout the rest of the week
Dramatic Play
· Provide the students with marine animals, rice, people and a large storage container.
· Instruct them to tell the story of Moses parting the Red Sea.
· Ask inquisitive questions as you observe your students playing.
The Bible to Memory
· The memory verse: Psalms 135:3.
· Encourage your child to create actions for the verse.
· Suggested actions: tapping, jumping, waving arms. Pretend to play an instrument.
· Watch the video below.
The Burning Bush
· Watch the video clip below.
Old Testament: Bible Stories—Fire In the Desert
Shoe Bible Text:
· Have the students trace their own shoe on a piece of construction paper.
· Cut out the shoe tracing.
· Have the student write the first four words of Acts 7:33 “Take off your sandals…for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
· Have the students decorate the shoe.
· Stick a magnet to the back of the shoe so they can place them on their refrigerators at home.
· Have the student practice the whole verse with each other.
Working Together: Interactive Story
· Introduce the following movements and gestures to the children.
1. God—point upward
2. Pharaoh—mean face
3. Sheep—make the sound “baa”
4. Fire—crinkle noise for “fire” (piece of cellophane)
5. Hallowed ground—take off shoes
6. Aaron and Moses meet—high five
7. Pharaoh releases slaves—jump up and down for joy
· While reading the theme story Working Together have the children make hand movements and gestures to represent certain names or words.
Simple Weaving
Note: This project will allow your students to experience what Moses’ mother did when she made the basket for her baby
· If this is the first time to show them weaving, demonstrate to your students how to weave ribbons.
· Use vocabulary—under/over or up/down to help them hear the pattern.
· Let them practice.
Retelling the story in a Different Way: Baby Moses
· Watch video clips below
Three Wise Men
- Watch video clip below.
- Print blackline masters 3.3a 3.3b.
- Color blacklines.
- Cut the pictures apart.
- Mix the pictures.
- Encourage your child to place them in order again.
- Ask them to tell the story in their own words using the pictures.
- Once complete place the pictures in an envelope.
- Title the envelope.
- Ask your child to share the story with a stuffed animal, a neighbor, friend or family member.
Wise Men Follow The Star
Memory verse: Thank God for His son, a gift too wonderful for words. 2 Corinthians 9:15
- Cut a large star from cardboard.
- Tear strips of aluminum foil that are wide enough to cover the star.
- Wrap the star in foil securing on the opposite side with tape.
- Decorate the star with glitter glue.
- Using a knife, put a hole on one point of the star (teacher assistance).
- Cut a piece of yarn.
- Secure yarn to the star allowing student to hang it in their home.
- Read the lapbook: Jesus is God’s Best Gift: Wise Men Follow the Star.
- Talk with the children about the stars. Show the children pictures of constellations and talk about how groups of stars can make pictures in the sky. Afterwards, encourage children to make their own constellations on paper by putting dots on a piece of paper, then adding sticker stars. When done, have the children name their constellations. You could also talk about Jesus’ second coming.
Full-Sized Angel
- Trace the student on a large sheet of butcher paper.
- Make a line from ankle to ankle.
- Instead of tracing up their legs, make it look like your child is wearing a robe.
- Invite the student to draw wings.
- Provide materials to decorate the angel shape.
Sheep in the Stable
· Copy blackline 2.2 onto white construction paper.
· Ask the student to cut out the sheep.
· Glue cotton balls to the sheep.
· While the sheep dries, read the lapbook story.
· Watch video clip below.
Jesus is Born
- Read the theme story.
- Watch video clip below.
Bag Cave:
- Make a cave/stable for Jesus and the animals.
- Follow the directions below.
- Use any sized paper bag available.
- Lay a paper bag on your table so that the folded bottom is facing up.
- Cut the bag off about 1 inch before the folded bottom.
- Unfold, open the bag.
- Cut a U-shaped opening on one side.
- Place the bag so that one side rests flat on the table and the side with the U-shaped opening facing forward.
- Decorate for the project using craft supplies available to you: rocks, trees, farm animals etc.
Note: You might want to glue the layers of the opening together for more stability
Charades- Nativity Story
· Assign story parts to children: Joseph, Mary, horse, Inn Keeper, barn animals, Wise Men, Shepherds, etc.
· Have them act and retell the Nativity Story.
Video Links
Recreate the Story of Baby Jesus using felts
- A template can be found in this book’s PDF file.
- Create a felt board/stable to allow your students with time for dramatic play.
Field Trip: Recycling Plant
- Google your local recycling facility.
- Take a trip to see how your town recycles.
- Google creation coloring pages.
- Print and color.
Suggested Options:
- Brainstorm with the children what God’s original plan was for our world and what the children think the Garden of Eden might have been like.
Why Is It Important?
· Watch video clip (search for other video clips to incorporate into this lesson).
Home Plan:
· Discuss with the children what they learned from the video.
· Brainstorm ways to recycle and reuse items in your home, neighborhood and church.
· Make a group list of the recycling suggestions on large post-it.
· Type up recycling list and send the list home to each family.
· Encourage families to recycle at home.
Memory Verse Tree
(this activity may take several days)
· God made our world for us to take care of.
· Follow the instructions below to assemble an evergreen tree.
· Once the tree is complete write the memory verse on the tree.
· Place the tree in your classroom to encourage the children to review the memory verse.
Hopscotch Thankfulness
· Review stories in the lapbook.
· Using masking tape make a hopscotch grid with seven numbered squares.
· Demonstrate how to play the game of hopscotch.
· Have the children toss the beanbag onto any square.
· Have them hop to that space, pick up the beanbag, and thank God for something that was made on that day.
Let’s Feed the Birds
· Bring to class enough pine cones for each child in your class and one for your classroom.
· Tie a string around it as a hanger.
· Put peanut butter in a bowl (if you have children with peanut allergies use an alternate nut butter i.e. sun butter or almond butter).
· Use a large craft stick to spread the peanut butter (or alternate nut butter) onto the pinecone.
· Pour birdseed onto a paper plate.
· Keep the string out of the peanut butter (nut butter), roll the pinecone in the birdseed.
· Place the classroom pinecone in an area to observe the birds that come to eat and send each child home with their pinecone.
Read: “God Made Our World”
· Do a picture walk through the lapbook God Made Our World—Caring for Our World.
· Have the children make predictions about the book.
· Read the story.
· Show the children how to make a sphere using their hands to represent our world.
Playdough People
- Make a new recipe of Playdough if needed.
How to make Rainbow Playdough with Kool-aid
- Instruct the children to make a person out of dough.
Point To Your Parts
- Play the game “Simon Says” to discuss the different body parts that God created.
- Imagine what it would have been like when Adam and Eve first woke up.
- Have the children re-tell or dramatize the story God Finishes Our World in their own words.
Creation Song
(Teacher can make creation numbers and teach song to the children)
· Watch video clip and practice the song.
Creation Song with Max and Caden
The Days of Creation:
· Use pipe cleaners to bend and twist.
· Shape them together to represent the days of creation.
· Use your own ideas or follow the directions below.
Lego: Genesis 1—Story of Creation
Children can re-create the story of creation using blocks and legos
The 7th Day
· As you read the story slowly, ask the children to hold-up seven fingers every time they hear the word Sabbath.
· Practice several times.
· Watch video clip.
A TV Interview
- Create an environment like a TV stage.
- Use a toy microphone or a toilet paper roll to interview the children.
- Practice the interview process:
- Sitting upright with only ankles crossed
- Listen carefully to the question
- Think before you talk
- Speak slowly and clearly
- Interview the children:
- What do you like to do with your friends?
- What is your favorite book?
- What is your favorite food?
- What is your favorite toy?
- What is something you can do very well?
- Tell the children that God made each of us special. One of a kind, just like snowflakes.
Puzzle Pictures
· Have each student go to the computer and color the electronic planet earth outline (you may need to create a computer schedule).
- Print out the finished planet outline.
- Have the children cut out the outline of the earth.
- Then cut the earth into several large puzzle pieces.
- Place their puzzle on the table.
- Have the children put their puzzle together.
- Place in an envelope for storage for future use.
Discuss Bible Story
God created the animals on Creation Days 5 & 6
- Talk about the animals God created.
- What are students’ favorite animals? Take turns discussing favorite animals.
- Discuss animal habitats.
- Play an animal matching game.
Examples available on amazon:
- Awesome Animals (matching animals with their habitat’s).
- Animal Planet Matching Game.
Helping Hands Art
· Talk about how the woman of Shunem helped Elisha.
· Gather supplies listed.
· Place a small amount of paint on the plate, and paint with a paint brush the children’s palms with paint.
· Place a variety of hand prints around the paper.
· As the paint dries, make a list of ways we can be helpers for God (add to the hand prints later).
· Have students bring can foods to donate to a food bank.
· Practice the memory verse.
“A friend loves at all times. He is there to help when trouble comes.” Proverbs 17:17Job 5:24.
· Transition time: Say this rhyme and ask the children to say what they will do to help clean up the room.
Help clean up our room today.
Together we will work and play.
__________ we count on you.
Tell me something you can do.
· Manipulatives: set out puzzles, depending on the abilities of the children. Encourage the children to work together to complete the puzzle.
· Sensory: Make helping hands. Invite each child to fill a disposable plastic glove with sand. Seal it tight with string or a rubber band. This helping hand is a reminder to be a helper.
· Song:
I Can Be Helpful
Tune: Up on the Housetop
I can be helpful everyday
When I work and when I play
If someone asks for help, I will be there
I will show you that I care.
Help, help, help, you need me.
Help, help, help, you need me.
So if you need something I will go.
Because I love you very much, you know.
· Home/School Connection
Send home a note and a page of copied handprints. Ask parents to acknowledge when their child gives a “helping hand” by writhing the helpful action on a handprint. The child can cut it out and bring it to school. Put the handprints up on a bulletin board and talk about the helpful actions written on each one. This is a good way to reinforce helping and to encourage children to be more aware of times when help is needed.
Watch the videos below
Alive Again: Elisha and the Shunammite woman
Elisha and the Shunammite Woman
· Practice the memory verse.
“A friend loves at all times. He is there to help when trouble comes.” Proverbs 17:17
Bean Bag Toss
- Create a distance between you and the children.
- Practice tossing the bean bag underhanded, back-and-forth.
- When the bean bag is caught, say, “God made_____________.”
- Have the children re-tell the story, God Begins to Make Our World in their own words.
Kool-Aid Playdough
(use the previous dough)
· Take the dough out of the refrigerator a few minutes before school begins.
· Tell the children–God is the only one who can create something from nothing. For example: We made this dough earlier in the week. The ingredients were collected and put together, not made.
· Create with the dough things that were created during creation week.
· Watch video clip.
Chalk Pictures
- Read the story book: God Begins to Make Our World.
- After reading, look at the story while making a list of the days of creation, followed by examples.
- Give the children a piece of black construction paper and colored chalk.
- Have the children draw several items that God created.
- To set the chalk, spray the finished picture with hairspray, in a well-ventilated area.
- To make goop mix together 1 cup of cornstarch and ½ cup of cold water.
- Add a few drops of food coloring.
- Ask the children to mix the ingredients with their hands.
- Ask: “Could you make something out of it?”
- Explain that: “It is impossible for us,only God can make something out of nothing!”
- Read the story Book: God Made Our World, God Begins to Make Our World.
Balloon World
Explain to the children that God loves us all very much, and He demonstrated His love by creating this beautiful world. Continue to talk with the children about what God created for our enjoyment.
- Tape a large piece of waxed paper at the student’s desk/tables.
- Give the student an inflated balloon. Use the cup as an extra hand to hold the balloon still.
- Cut 3-inch squares of green and blue tissue paper. You will need enough tissue squares to cover the balloon several times.
- Pour white glue in a Styrofoam bowl.
- Thin the glue with water or liquid starch.
- Demonstrate how to paint glue on a section of the balloon, 3×3”.
- Then place the square of tissue paper over the glue.
- Add more glue, overlapping each section, covering the balloon.
- After it is dry, tie fishing line or curling ribbon to the balloon.
- Display balloons in classroom.
Re-telling the Story of Naaman Dipping Seven times
- Tell the children that they are going to re-tell the story of Naaman by acting out what they remember.
- Provide costumes and props for the children to use.
- Give the children the opportunity to practice acting out the different parts. At the end of the week have the children share their performance with the rest of the class or perhaps the school.
Seven Dips in Muddy Water
Review the story of Naaman’s leprosy and the little maid suggesting they send for Elisha to help Naaman.
- Use small figurines and butcher paper (to represent the water) to retell the story: Dipping seven times in the muddy river to cure Naaman’s Leprosy.
- Talk about following what God asks of us.
- What is leprosy?
- How was the little maid a witness for God?
- Trust in God to heal us.
- Discuss how we should treat others.
Thank-You Cards
- Brainstorm with the children a list of community friends and helpers.
- Encourage the children to write the following statement inside the card— “I Thank God for You”.
- Give the children time to decorate the card.
- Have the children deliver the cards to community helpers with a smile and a thank you.
Helping Others
· Ask the children to look for ways people help each other.
· Watch video clip.
· Brainstorm with the children ways they can help people outside their family.
My Home is Safe
- Read Bible verse: Job 5:24. After you have read the verse have the children repeat after you.
- Ask the children to share what makes them feel safe.
- Then discuss how their family helps when they worry about something. Examples:
1. When my dog is lost
2. When the thunder is loud
3. When our car breaks down
4. When a spider crawls down my bedroom wall
5. When I go to the doctor or dentist
6. When my friend is mean to me
- Remind the children that God promises to take care of us. We can trust Him to keep us safe.
A Trip to ….?
- Brainstorm with the children about items you take on a long trip.
- Write the dictation on a piece of paper for another day.
- Tell the children that the woman of Shunem took extra time building a place for her special friend.
- Have the children build a house out of legos, blocks, or building supplies found around your classroom.
- Give them plenty of time to build.
- When completed, ask them to tell you all about the house they built.Practice memory verse.
House Hopping
· Print blackline 1.3 in different colors, enough to write the name of each word in the memory verse.
· Use age appropriate scissors to cut each picture.
· Tape each house in order, approximately the width each child can jump.
· Jump from 1 sign / house to another shouting the memory verse.Read the lapbook story: A Room For Elisha.
- Gather building supplies from the list in the supply column.
- Compare each item.
- Evaluate if it would be a “good” building material.
- Ask the children to build a house using the listed items.
Note: Make it as sturdy as you can
- Read the lapbook: A Room for Elisha.
- Memory verse practice: 2 Kings 4:8-11.
Time with Jesus
- Review the story of Mary & Martha.
- Discuss story details.
- Assign character parts to students.
- Have students act out the story of Mary & Martha.
- Conduct a follow-up discussion about the Bible story.
Ballooning Around
- Find a large, clear area.
- Inflate latex balloons.
- Tie off at one end.
- Explain that the balloons are fun, but they are meant to show us how helping can make the activity better.
Activity 1: Keep the balloon up in the air without touching the ground.
Activity 2: Play catch with the balloon.
Activity 3: Add three or four more balloons.
- Read the story Four Friends Help
Role-play Four Friends Help
· Have a child lie down on a sheet or large towel.
· Ask them to pretend to be paralyzed.
· Try to transport the children a short distance.
· Choose several children to help reenact the story or choose an array of stuffed animals.
· Learn how paralyzed children move in the 21st century.
Up on the Roof
- To help your child visualize the story/lesson better, make a Bible period time house.
- Use miniature toys to take measurements for the reenactment.
- Cut out an opening for a door, and a hole in the roof.
- Cover the roof with small branches or palm fronds.
- Decorate to make the house look more lifelike.
- Help your child create a stretcher and hoist out of cloth, yarn and popsicle sticks.
- Read the story Four Friends Help.
- Reenact the story with the house you made.
Role-Playing: A Soldier Cares
· Explain to the children that they will act out the story “A Solider Cares”.
· Have the children role-play each character within the story.
1. Soldier
2. Jesus
3. Elders
4. The sick servant
5. Several other characters could be added
· Give them time to practice on their own.
· Have the children create props to tell the story.
· Guide the children in role-playing the Bible story.
Jesus Heals the Centurion’s Servant
Show the following video to the children as an introduction to the story of the centurion servant.
Centurion servant
Day 2:
- Have the children wear the helmet they made the day before.
- Have a discussion with the children about Roman Soldiers’ uniforms, their job responsibilities, and the time period in which they lived.
- Word commands—when the children hear the word soldier in the story, ask them to salute and say “Yes, sir!”
Read story: A Soldier Cares
Marching Memory Verse
- Have the children wear the helmet they made on Day 1.
- Model and practice how to keep their feet in rhythm to a beat (you can use a drum, sticks, clapping, etc.).
- Have the children march around the classroom or outdoors like Roman soldiers while you provide the rhythm.
- Now add the memory verse as they march, one word per down beat.
Presenting: A Soldier Cares
- Teacher should watch the following videos to learn about the Roman soldier’s dress.
How to Dress Like a Roman Soldier
Day 1:
- Have the children make a helmet (see Stepping Stones for instructions).
Video/Music Resource
Jesus Wonders: Miracles Of Jesus – Zacchaeus (14+ minutes)
JellyTelly Kids Talk – Kindness
JellyTelly Kids Talk—Kindness 2
Note: The use of technology adds a different dimension for your visual learners. All links have been verified as of August 2019
Zacchaeus: The Story
- Predict what the story is about by using pictures from the story.
- Ask children to listen carefully for key words.
- Money = jingle jingle.
- Tree = stretch arms out slowly wiggling fingers.
- Practice motions several times.
- Read the lapbook story.
- Sing the Zacchaeus song.
What Can I Say and Do?
Pages 40 & 41 in the Teacher’s manual
· Discuss blackline pictures one at a time
Ask students:
- What can you say to someone who has been unkind to you?
- What can you do?
- How can you be kind?
· Watch video clip.
· How can Dave repair, restore, and reconcile the relationship?
JellyTelly Kids Talk – Kindness
Use chart paper to generate a list of other ways to be kind with and without words.
Zacchaeus’ Town
Read the lapbook story of Zaccheaus. After reading the story, discuss with the children the different elements of the story and how they relate to us today. (i.e. such as being honest)
Post Reading and discussing the story:
Set up a dramatic play area after the lapbook story. You can choose to construct the structure together or prepare it ahead of time.
Side 1: Tax collector
Side 2: Tree
Side 3: Zacchaeus house for dinner
Once the dramatic play area is constructed have the children role play the story.
Soapy Foamy Sea Foam
- Combine the first 3 ingredients in a stand mixer, hand mixer, blender, or a food processor.
- Mix on high for a couple of minutes until your foam is nice and fluffy.
- Add color as desired.
- Then scoop the foam into a large storage container.
Repeat until you have the desired amount.
1/3 cup distilled water
1/3 cup dish soap hand
1 tbsp cornstarch
liquid watercolor, food coloring or Kool-Aid
Paper Plate Whale
Activity: Day 1:
Day 2:
Shadow Puppets
Demonstrate to the children how different light sources can create shadow puppets on a wall. This is an excellent way to show how light and darkness cannot co-exist!
Create a large shadow puppet theater and put on a play. Watch this video for assistance.
Post Activity:
Take the children outside on a sunny day and have them create their own shadow.
Drawing the “Jonah Story”
- Use this video to demonstrate to the children how to draw a picture of a whale using different shapes
- Hand out paper and crayons and have them draw a whale.
- Pair the children in twos and have them share how Jonah must have felt in the belly of the whale.
- Review the rules of how to play hide-and-seek with the children.
- Remind them to be as quiet and still as they can.
- Give them boundaries for the game.
- Enjoy and play as many rounds as you want!
Post Activity:
After playing Hide-and Seek with the children use the Internet Jonah Puzzle as a review, and remind the children that no one can hide from God.
Can You Hide From God?
Show the following videos to the children:
Jonah Story Clips
GraceLink: Runaway Prophet
GraceLink: Something Smells Fishy
- Choose as a class an item to represent Jonah (i.e. stuffed animal, a book, etc.).
- Hide the item that represents Jonah and have the children hunt for it (repeat as many times as you would like).
- Have the children act out the story of Jonah.
- Remind the children that no one can hide from God.
Post Activity:
- Jonah and the Whale
- “Rock the Fish” – While sitting cross-legged, have the children hold their legs and rock back and forth while singing to the tune of: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Rock, rock, rock the fish
Jonah is inside
He tried to run from God
But God won’t leave his side.