- Brainstorm with your child various jobs on a farm.
- Talk about how growing food and raising animals are just as important.
- Sing the following song to the tune of the “Farmer in the Dell”.
The farmer sows his seeds, the farmer sows his seeds, heigh-ho the derry-o, the farmer sows his seeds
(Have your child curl up in a little ball like a seed)
The wind begins to blow, the wind begins to blow, heigh-ho the derry-o, The wind begins to blow
(Wave arms like waves of grain)
The rain begins to fall, the rain begins to fall, heigh-ho the derry-o, the rain begins to fall
(Move fingers like raindrops)
The sun begins to shine, the sun begins to shine, heigh-ho the derry-o, the sun begins to shine
(Arms in a circle over the head, like the sun)
The seed begins to grow, the seed begins to grow, heigh-ho the derry-o, the seed begins to grow
(Rise from squatting position to standing like a plant growing)
The farmer cuts the grain, the farmer cuts the grain, heigh-ho the derry-o, the farmer cuts the grain
(Move arms to cut grain with a scythe)
Create different verses and motions for additional learning
- The cow ate the grass…
- The farmer milked the cow…
- The wife made some cheese…
Note: Make notes below for recall purposes