Reading and Writing a Recipe

  • Show your students several recipes you might have at home or online.
  • Tell your students you will look for recipes that might sound good to make.
  • Allow your students to look through the recipes for a few minutes.
  • Read a whole recipe that might sound good to your students.
  • Then read bits and pieces of the recipe.
  • Ask your students:
  1. What makes a good recipe?
  2. What are the 2 important parts of a recipe?
  3. Why is it important to follow a recipe?
  4. What might happen if you change the recipe?
  5. How do you know if a recipe might taste good or bad?
  6. Any additional questions

Once the student has investigated the recipes, give them opportunity to invent their own food item.

Instructional Words

  • Print Blackline 3.23a, 3.23b.
  • Cut the Japanese word off.
  • Laminate each sheet.
  • Cut words apart.
  • Place words, spiral notebooks, pencils and erasers at your writing center.
  • Instruct the students to practice writing each word.


Note:  Those who need extra letter formation practice can use a dry erase marker to trace each letter

Letter for Kondima

  • Brainstorm with the children different methods that comfort them when they are scared.
  • Give them a basket of writing supplies.
  • Ask students to create items of comfort for Kondima: cards, picture, etc.
  • Kondima is a little girl from the past but perhaps your class can think of a few church members that could be encouraged with cards and pictures.


Pool Noodle Name Recognition

  • Cut the pool noodles into 1 ½ -2″ pieces.
  • Print the consonant letters on the blue pieces and vowels on the red ones.
  • Place all of the pieces into a large container/basket.
  • Write the student names on an index card.
  • Place the pool noodle letters and the paper towel holder on a table, floor or other work surface.
  • Have the student find their name on the index cards and select the corresponding pool noodle letters to match their name.
  • Place the pool noodle letters onto the paper towel holder in order for the correct spelling of their name.

Fidget Spinner Literacy Game


  • Use a paper plate to create a fidget spinner letter recognition game.
  • Print the ABC letters around the edge of the plate (Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd…), or type them and cut them out and stick all around the plate.
  • Draw a circle in the middle of the plate where the spinner must go.
  • Use the hot glue gun to glue the fidget spinner to the circle on paper plate.
  • Play the ‘letter recognition game’.
    • Spin the spinner and say the letter name and sound
    • Give a point for each correct letter/sound
    • Use the game to practice letter formation and sound recognition for assessing letter knowledge

(by Nadia van Zyl)

Paper Plate & Spinner

Rainbow Kindness Rocks

  • Gather necessary supplies

Note:  Acrylics do not come out of clothing once dried

  • The students will decorate the rocks.
  • Encourage them to make rainbows if they can.
  • Rocks can be placed around the school or church as a little surprise for those who need a little extra encouragement.
  • Make sure each student places their initials on the back of each rock.

Cattle Animals

Note:  Writing with Pre-K students is a task for strengthening hand positions, pencil grip and recognition of individual letters

  • Write the words below on 3×5 cards.
  • Provide your students with a variety of paper and writing utensils.
  • Encourage them to note the beginning sounds, any letters they might recognize and or pictures that could expand their vocabulary.
  1. sheep
  2. goat
  3. llama
  4. buffalo
  5. deer
  6. dog
  7. horse
  8. elk
  9. mule
  10. chicken
  11. cow

Set out word cards with animal names on one side and pictures of the animals on the other side, along with barn-shaped books and animal stickers for the children to explore.

Group Time:

Make a list of all the different farm animals that children can think of including horses, cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, goats, mice, turkeys, sheep and so on.

  • Ask the children why these animals live on farms and not in houses with people.
  • Talk about what farm animals need to live-food, shelter, warmth, and so on.
  • Read Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin.
  • Ask, can cows really type?
  • Make other statements about farm animals, some true and some false, and ask the children to “True” or “False” or you could use Thumps up or down.

Acts of Kindness and Sharing

  • As a group, tell the students your purpose in sharing with others.
  • Take crayons and coloring books to the waiting room at the hospital.
  • Take chalk and drive around to your friends’ houses.
    • Have your kids write kind words about their friend on their driveway.  It will wash off during the next rain but make their day in the meantime!
  • Ask them to help you write a note for the coloring books.
  • Type the note and ask the students to sign it.
  • Students could draw little pictures on the note.
  • Make copies of the note to put inside.

Writing/Journal Prompts

  • After your field trip to a local bakery or the virtual tour (see link provided in Social Studies section) create a “Book about Bakeries”.
  • Create a Book using several sheets of plain white paper (this could have writing lines (K ruled lines) on ½ the sheet with the top half plain white).
  • Write the journal/writing prompts on the board:

a) I discovered ________________ at the bakery

b) I like ___________________ at the bakery

c) I like to eat…

d) I do not like to eat…

  • Have the students ‘kidwrite’ their own responses to the writing prompts.
  • Have the students draw pictures about their field trip to the bakery.
  • Have the students decorate the cover of their “book about Bakeries”.

Writing Center: ABC Matching Game

Create a ‘baking’ project with letter matching

  • Cut ‘bagels’ out of tan or brown construction paper.
  • Write an alphabet letter on an alternate color of construction paper.
  • Glue the alphabet letter on the center of each ‘bagel’.
  • Continue until you have created all the alphabet letters.
  • Laminate the bagel letters.
  • Put a small tab of magnetic strip on the back of each bagel letter.
  • On a cookie sheet with a permanent marker write the alphabet letters spaced approximately 2″ apart.
  • Use a spatula to place the correct bagel letter on the corresponding letter on the cookie sheet.
  • Place ‘bagel’ letters in a basket with the spatula on the cookie sheet.
  • Enjoy bagel letter matching.

Our World at School

  • Give each child a Walmart type bag.
  • Instruct them to collect different natural items around the playground.
  • Sort gathered items.
  • If you have a microscope, observe different textures, patterns and how appearances change when you use tools.
  • Large specimens can be used for rubbings.
  • Later, the students to make verbal observations about the activities.
  • Record the statements on a chart paper.
  • Place statements in the room.

A Tree is….

  • Write “A tree is…” on the top of one side of your paper.
  • Then write “A tree has…” on the other side of your paper.
  • Encourage student to brainstorm words that complete each sentence.
  • Write the words in the appropriate list.
  • Read the list together.
  • Ask:  Why did God make the trees like He did?

Skinny Notes

  • Give the students a small strip of paper.
  • Encourage them to draw a small picture or use kidwriting to identify something they have learned.
  • Participate as well with this activity.
  • Glue the strips of information onto a piece of paper.
  • Display the collage.

Finger Play: “Choo Choo”—Loud Noises

  • Practice motions together.

This is a choo-choo train.   (bend arms at elbow)

Puffing down the track.      (rotate arms in rhythm)

Now it’s going forward.     (push arms forward continue rotating)

Now it’s going back.          (pull arms back, continue rotating)

Now the bell is ringing.      (pull bell cord with a closed fist)

Now the whistle blows.      (hold fist near mouth and blow)

What a lot of noise it makes (cover ears with hands)

Everywhere it goes.

  • Encourage the children to draw a picture illustrating loud noises or quiet sounds.
  • Instruct them to use kidwriting or dictate their efforts.

Free Writing

  • Encourage the students to draw a picture of something they like.
  • Describe the picture as you write the dictation.
  • Revise the dictation into simple sentences.
  • Ask them to copy the dictation to practice letter formation and word recognition.

Windy Days

  • In the theme books, show the students the page of the windy day.
  • Ask: What are some of the things you like to do on a windy day?
  • Brainstorm together.
  • Encourage them to draw a picture and use kidwriting to explain.

Using a Thesaurus

  • Introduce a Thesaurus online or in book form.
  • Look up the word—
  • Read the different words that can be used instead of large—giant, gigantic, huge, great, enormous, big.
  • Write a sentence using the word large.
  • Then substitute large with other words found in the thesaurus.

Traveling Web

Note:   This is a perfect way to organize thoughts and place items chronologically

  • See example to the right.
  • Make the web unique to your child.

Letter writing practice

On a work tray place:

  • Plastic dish filled half-full of rice.
  • Place laminated letter cards on the tray.
  • Have students trace the letter in the rice using their finger or a pencil.

Reading and Writing a Recipe

  • Show your students several recipes you might have at home or online.
  • Tell your students you will look for recipes that might sound good to make.
  • Allow your students to look through the recipes for a few minutes.
  • Read a whole recipe that might sound good to your students.
  • Then read bits and pieces of the recipe.
  • Ask your students:
  1. What makes a good recipe?
  2. What are the 2 important parts of a recipe?
  3. Why is it important to follow a recipe?
  4. What might happen if you change the recipe?
  5. How do you know if a recipe might taste good or bad?
  6. Any additional questions
  • Once the student has investigated the recipes, give them opportunity to invent their own food item.

Instructional Words

  • Print Blackline 3.23a, 3.23b.
  • Cut the Japanese word off.
  • Laminate each sheet.
  • Cut words apart.
  • Place words, spiral notebooks, pencils and erasers at your writing center.
  • Instruct the students to practice writing each word.

Note:  Those who need extra letter formation practice can use a dry erase

marker to trace each letter

Theme Word Center

  • Place spiral notebooks, pencils and erasers at your writing center.
  • Print word cards found in the PDF section.
  • Laminate the word cards.
  • Encourage your students to practice writing each word.
  • Instruct the students to write their name on the page they are particularly proud of.
  • Students will receive a special sticker, star or marker drawing on their work.

Writing Prompts

  • Encourage students to use writing, drawings, etc. to complete assignment.
  • Write the child’s dictation or have them draw a picture to depict what they see:
  1. I see____________ in the room.
  2. I hear ____________ around my house.
  3. I like to taste_____________ because_______________.
  4. I use my nose to smell ___________________.
  5. I touch____________________.

What Helps Me Grow?

  • Type to above statement on a single piece of paper in large, bold lettering.
  • Tell the children to draw things that help them grow…sleep, food, water, sunlight, etc.
  • As the child completes the drawing, ask them to use kidwriting to describe what was drawn.
  • Write the dictation at the bottom of the paper.

Sorting and Classifying

  • Define what a living thing is—grow, move, need food, water and place to live and living things reproduce—then define the term non-living.
  • Provide magazines, catalogs, and newspapers.
  • Encourage each student to cut out pictures of whatever they find.
  • Label Ziploc gallon bags, living and non-living.
  • Request that each student sort living and non-living pictures into the bags.
  • Later in the week explore the pictures your students have collected.
  • Provide large papers for each student.
  • Label, sort and glue some of the classroom collection to take home.
  • Have each child dictate the process learned through this activity.
  • Write the dictation on the child’s paper.

Reactions to Science Below

  • Place Band-Aids on construction paper.
  • Glue on accessories, eyes, hair, cut out clothing.
  • Draw faces.
  • Create an environment with crayons.
  • Variation: create a Band-Aid animal that is trying to survive from the oil spill.
  • Ask your child to use PictureWriting and KidWriting to describe the way science made them feel.
  • Dictate your child’s explanation at the bottom of page.
  • Label the picture:  Feeling sick is NO fun!!

We Are Going On Safari…Repetition book

  • For the next few days you will design a book about Arctic animals. The cover and leaflet pages have been designed for you.
  1. Arctic Safari Book-Cover.pdf
  2. Arctic Safari Book-Pages.pdf
  • The goal is to add 15 or more animals, birds, fish, etc. that live in this cold environment.
  • Gather all supplies for the book.
  • Look through the past few theme books to remind your child what animals live in Alaska and Antarctica?
  • Brainstorm a list.
  • For each page, draw a picture or print an image and glue.
  • Fill in blanks to complete the story.

Book Publishing

  • Complete and publish the book.
  • Have your child read the book several times and then share it with a friend or family member.

Writing with Children / KWL Chart

  • Write the word PENGUIN at the top of a large piece of paper.
  • Divide the paper into 3 sections.
  • Label the columns.
  1. What we Know?
  2. What we Would like to know?
  3. What we have Learned?
  • Brainstorm facts known about penguins…write it on the chart.
  • Then, discuss items you would like to know…add to the chart.
  • Attach the chart to your classroom workspace for further additions.

Note:  It will be added to as the week progresses

Concept Map: Alaskan Animals

  • Write the words Favorite Alaskan Animals in the center of a large piece of poster board.
  • Follow the graphic design to your right.
  • The first step is to make a list of your child’s favorite animals.
  • Once a list of animals has been collected, branch out further to record characteristics of each animal.

Brainstorm Alaska Facts

  • Practicing the skill of brainstorming takes lots of practice.
  • As your child dictates, make a list. To organize your information, you might want to make a chart.
  • Brainstorming Topic: What kind of facts would you like to know about Alaska?
Want to know…. Answer
1.  Where is Alaska?
2.  How many people live there?


Visit the websites below to answer the questions proposed

Alaska Kids’ Corner

Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition

Writing Prompts

  • Give reach student a piece of paper and ask them to illustrate their thoughts:
  1. My favorite Arctic animal is______________________.
  2. When it is cold I should wear____________________.
  3. If I met a polar bear___________________.
  4. In January it is fun to _______________.
  5. If I lived in an igloo____________________.

Cup / Straw Puppet Craft

  • Using a pen, draw the outline of an animal (head or entire body).  Or you can use the template found in the Printable file.  A simple circle or oval with ears will make most animal heads.
  • For the puppet’s details (like the nose, eyes, mouth), either draw them with a pen (or marker), or cut them out of construction paper and glue them on the puppet. To make hair or whiskers, you can glue on bits of yarn. Glue on googly eyes using a glue stick.
  • Tape the back of your styrofoam animal to the end of a drinking straw.
    • Have the students describe their puppet to you.
    • Ask them to list a few reasons why the husky is so special.
    • Encourage the use of adjectives as you generate a group list of characteristics of a dog with hero qualities.

    Note:  You may want to review previous videos

Once Upon a Bag

  • Choose a general type drawstring bag.
  • Write: “Once upon a time…” in permanent marker.
  • Place different pictures of nouns in the bag.
  • Most stories begin with “Once upon a time…”.
  • Explain to your students you will be “building” a story.
  • Encourage them to pick one picture from the bag at a time.
  • Glue or tape the picture in order.
  • Pick another picture out of the bag and repeat.
  • Continue telling the story during the center.

Writing by Kids: Journal Prompts

  • On a piece of paper write the following journal prompt:
    • “My favorite animal from China is…”
  • Allow your students to dictate or write.
  • Ask them to draw a picture of their choice.
  • If time allows, look on for information about the animal of choice.

Books about Asian Heritage:

  • Hush! A Thai Lullaby by Minfong Ho.
  • Lanterns and Firecrackers: A Chinese New Year Story by Jonny Zucker.
  • On My Way to Buy Eggs by Chih-Yuan Chen.
  • A Pair of Red Clogs by Masako Matsuno.
  • Toddler Two by Anastasia Suen.

Family Story

  • Talk about things your family enjoys doing together.
  • Include extended family in the discussion.
  • Ask the student to draw a picture based on the activities discussed.
  • The students may use kid writing or other types of writing.
  • Include descriptions of each picture.
  • At the top of the drawing, make sure a title is placed (i.e. The Smiths).

Group Project: Grandparents are Special

  • Use a large poster board to record the children’s responses

“Grandparents are Special…”

  • Make sure you record their responses in different colors, adding their name at end of each comment.
  • To further the activity, record each statement at the top of different pieces of paper.
  • Instruct the children to draw a picture to represent the statement on the piece of paper.
  • Deliver each masterpiece on “Grandparents Day”.


Writing: Journal Prompt

  • Show the children a sample of what “Grandpa and Grandma” names would look like on lined kindergarten paper. Tell them that they will each get a piece of paper and write either “Grandpa’s” name or Grandma’s” name on the top of their paper.
  • Have the children share what they have learned from “Grandpa” or “Grandma” e. baking…
  • Ask your children to draw a picture of “Grandpa” or “Grandma” teaching them something they enjoy too do.
  • If the children need brainstorming ideas, assist them.
  • Have the children take the picture to their grandparent.

Gold Fish Tracing

  • Print the PDF that coincides with this activity.
  • Laminate cards for repeated use.
  • Provide each student with an individual snack bag with goldfish crackers.
  • The student can also use a dry eraser marker, erasable crayons or fingers for additional activities.

Writing By Children: A Christmas Wish

  • Using large green construction paper, cut into four equal pieces.
  • Talk to your child about Christmas wishes. Some for themselves and some for others.
  • A Christmas wish can be another way of showing love to others.
  • Encourage your child to cut large triangles from each of the four pieces of paper.
  • Encourage your child to draw a Christmas wish on each of the triangles.
  • Place the triangles in a tree like shape.
  • Glue to a piece of paper and decorate.

Writing: Journal Prompts

  • Choose one of the prompts below.
  • Illustrate your sentence or sentences.
  1. “I think the best present in a box is…”
  2. “I love to work in the kitchen when we are making…”
  3. “Jesus helps me…”
  4. “I can show Jesus love by…”
  5. “I can worship Jesus by…”
  • Ask your child to dictate a description of their drawing.

Writing: Describe a Candy Cane

  • Give your child a candy cane.
  • Ask them to talk about a candy cane.
  • Encourage your child to use kidwriting, dictation, etc. to record details of your discussion.
  • Watch video clip below.

How It Is Made:  Candy Canes

Cooking ProjectMake candy cane cookies

  • Purchase pre-made sugar cookie dough.
  • Divide sugar cookie dough in half.
  • Color one half of the dough with red food coloring.
  • Divide the dough into small balls.
  • Give each student one white ball and one red ball.
  • Have the student roll the dough out like a snake and then twist the two together to get the red and white stripe look.
  • Bend the dough at the top to make the cane look.
  • Bake as directed on the sugar cookie dough packaging.
  • Remove from the oven and let cool slightly.
  • Sprinkle with crushed candy canes, enjoy!



  • This is the time to write about favorite memories about Christmas: such as; People who have influenced the student, or perhaps made special memories in their hearts.
  • Sample questions could be:
  1. My favorite ornament___________________
  2. My favorite present___________________
  3. Presents I have made for others____________
  4. Favorite food at Christmas time_____________

Note:  Help your students use Kidwriting as much as possible.  Dictation is an excellent way to begin to form sentences and stories.

Making A Special Journal

  • Decorate a composition book or the children can make their own.
  • You can use a variety of materials: nature inspired stickers, picture cutouts, metallic permanent markers, photographs…the options are endless.
  • Have the children create a title page and include child’s name.

Library Books

  • Gather books on the following suggested topics
  1. Animals, amphibians.
  2. Forests.
  3. Camping stories.
  4. How to: camping.
  5. Edible things in the forest.
  6. Simple first aide.
  7. Hibernation.
  8. Rocks and minerals.
  9. Plants and trees found in deciduous forest.

Note:  These books may be used in the reading tent or classroom library area.  Place drawing paper and crayons for the children to share what they have learned through print and pictures

Literacy Center

Use a small magnetic fishing pole from a fishing game for this activity. Set out small refrigerator magnetic letters.  The children take turns using the fishing pole to fish for a letter.  As children catch letters, encourage them to name them and make the sound of the letter.

Light Letters: Owl

  • On a piece of construction paper, write the word OWL in large black letters.
  • Invite the children to sit where they usually sit during circle time.
  • Give each child a toothpick.
  • Punch holes on the black lines of the letters.
  • Hold a flashlight to the back of the letter to see the light shine through or hold the letter up to the window and let the light shine through.

Syllable Soldiers: Counting

Note: Prior to doing this activity introduce the children to clapping out syllables.  Demonstrate a few clapping words and then have the children clap out a few words.  Children enjoy clapping out their name.

  • To count syllables and words show the children how to march in place to the syllables.
  • Example: for the word winner, your child would march in place two times
  • Words to say: tree, forest, underground, roots, truffle, vole, mice, cone, fir, hollow, marten, misty, salamander, star, huckleberry, branches, enormous, bark, butterfly

The Fox is in the Box: Rhyming Word Application

Note: Prior to beginning this lesson introduce or review rhyming words.  Write the words on a large post-it, smart board, or white board

  • Sing a couple of verses below to help the children become familiar with substituting rhyming and action words.
  • After they get the idea, encourage them to contribute new verses.

Sing (to the tune of “The Farmer In The Dell”)…

The fog covers the log.

The fog covers the log.

Hi-ho the derry-O.

The fog covers the log.

Other examples:

The fox is in the box.

The mice are eating rice.

That owl is on a towel.

The ants are in the plants.

The bat eats a gnat.

That cat sat on the mat.

The dog lies in the bog.

  • Write phrases composed by your students
  1. _______________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________
  4. _______________________________________________
  5. _______________________________________________
  6. _______________________________________________
  7. _______________________________________________
  8. _______________________________________________
  9. _______________________________________________
  10. _______________________________________________


Phonics Pictures

  • Provide the children with a variety of noun picture cards.
  • Encourage the children to draw pictures/kidwriting of activities that would include these items.
  1. suitcase
  2. toys
  3. bath toys
  4. food
  5. clothes
  • Ask each child to explain their kid writing and/or pictures.
  • Write the dictation on the bottom of the picture.
  • Help children use a candle to write their name on white construction paper (or teacher could do it ahead of time). Be sure to press hard.  When they paint over the candle wax with color paint, their name will appear.

Sound Words

  • Defining sound words= Onomatopoeia.

on·o·mat·o·poe·ia defined [on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh], noun

  1. the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a soundmade by or associated with its referent.
  2. a word so formed.
  3. the use of imitative and naturally suggestive words for rhetorical, dramatic, or poetic effect.
  • Rain makes people feel many different ways; ask the children how it makes them feel.
  • Brainstorm a list of sound words that describe a rainy day.
  • Examples: splish, splash, drip, drop, slop, slip.

With the list write a short poem about rain.

Read then Write: An Extension of Reading Class

Pre-Class activity:

  • Teacher needs to do the following – write the following sentences at the bottom of the page. Use KidWriting to fill in the ending of the following sentence:
  1. I learned…….
  2. I didn’t know that……….
  3. What I liked best was………
  • Children review the book as a large group activity.
  • At the top of the paper, have them draw a picture about your discussion.
  • Ask the children to share something they learned.
  • Give the children the lined paper with KidWriting sentences.

Signing In—Tracing Name

  • Provide students with a pre-written page with their name on it.
  • Have them trace their name daily on the daily sign-in sheet like their parents.
  • Alternate: provide a typed list of the children in the classroom and give them space to “sign” their name next to the typed one.
  • Over the year this process will provide great writing samples and indicate how the child is progressing in their writing skills.

Field Trip: Day 4

  • Take a trip around the school’s neighborhood.
  1. neighbors
  2. schools
  3. houses
  4. markets
  5. playgrounds
  6. churches
  7. service places—tires, insurances, banks, etc.
  8. gardens

Next Day Activity

Have the children draw a map of the school neighborhood.

Pre-Field Trip: Day 3

  1. What do you like to do in your neighborhood?
  2. Does your neighborhood ever have a parade?
  3. Why?
  4. What is it like?
  5. Do you go to the market with your parents?
  6. How do you help?
  7. Where do you play in your neighborhood?
  8. What do you play?
  9. Are there gardens in your neighborhood?
  10. Are there very many churches in your neighborhood?

Teacher can discuss that the school is also part of a neighborhood. What does this neighborhood where the school is located look like?  When you come to school in the morning what do you see on your way? Continue to discuss with the children about the school’s neighborhood prior to the field trip.

Writing: Day 2

  • Instruct the student to draw a picture of their neighborhood.
  • Include the neighbors discussed above.
  • Add to the picture some of the activities discussed.
  • Encourage the student to dictate, write or copy a sentence describing the drawing.

Pre-Writing Activity: Day 1

  • Before re-reading the theme book, ask the following questions
  1. What is a neighbor?
  2. Do you know any of your neighbors?
  3. Who are they?
  4. How close do they live to you?
  5. What do you know about them?
  6. What have you done for your neighbors?
  7. Do your neighbors help you with anything?
  8. What have they done?
  9. Do you help your neighbors with anything?
  10. How have you helped others?
  • Briefly look at the pictures in the book.
  • Ask: Do you think this book is about real things or imaginary things?
  • Explain the difference between fact and fiction when we talk about books.
    • A book is factual if it is about real things.
    • A book is fiction if it is about imaginary things.
    • It can also be fiction if it is about real things, but the story is imaginary or made up.
  • Read the theme book: Be My Neighbor.


Journal Prompts

  • Use the journal prompt below to draw pictures and kidwriting in the journal.
  1. When I grow up I want to be…
  2. The animal I would like to help if I was a veterinarian is a…
  3. My mom’s job is…
  4. My dad’s job is…

Note:  Teacher can add any prompt they would like.


Note:  This week the children will be creating a journal.  Each day they will have a new prompt for drawing and kidwriting

Cover Page: 

  • Write “___STUDENT’S NAME____” on the Journal in big bold letters on a piece of cardstock, reserve the second piece for the back cover.
  • Give the children time to personalize the front and back covers of their journal.
  • Insert kindergarten lined paper in between front and back covers.
  • Hole punch the papers and the covers for lace assembly.

Follow Directions for Assembly:

  1. Cut a length of ribbon or yarn 5 times the height of their journal.
  2. Lace and tie a bow at the top.

Bird’s Eye View: Room

  • Give the children time to create a bedroom map.
  • Encourage them to add as many details as possible.
  • Once the children have completed their map have them label each item in their room.
  • Add a heading: My Bedroom Map.

Handwriting Practice:

  • Secure plastic wrap to your work surface.
  • Spray about a palm full of shaving cream in the middle of your space.
  • Demonstrate spreading it around and have them use their index finger instead of a pencil to write.
  • Have the children practice writing their names.

Make a Map

  • Give the children the necessary supplies to draw and decorate a map.
  • Ask the children to create a map from their bedroom to their favorite room in the house (include the boundaries of their house).
  • The different rooms within the space.
  1. kitchen
  2. dining room
  3. living room
  4. stairs
  5. bathrooms
  6. etc.
  • Add directions or arrows to help guide the reader from start to finish.

Make a Card for a Friend

  • Have students make cards for their friends.
  • Draw a picture, write a note (have the teacher write what the student wants to say in their note on another piece of paper and the student can copy it to their card).
  • Encourage students to give the cards they created to their friends.

Role Play: Detective

  • In a box place the items listed in the supply column.
  • Show the different items to your students.
  • Ask what kind of jobs might use these types of tools.
  • Encourage them to role play some of their ideas.
  • In the envelope place ideas that might interrupt a good friendship (teacher can add to list).
  1. Table manners
  2. Negative, angry words
  3. Being rough at play
  4. Telling lies
  5. Biting, hitting…
  6. When they are mad
  7. ______________________
  8. ______________________
  9. ______________________
  10. ______________________

Piggy Back Songs

Be a Friend

Lyrics by Theresa of Capri + 3)

(To the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it”)

If you want to make a friend,

be a friend.

If you want to make a friend,

be a friend.

If you want to make a friend,

you must be a friend.

If you want to make a friend

be a friend.

Make a friend –

Make new friends, but keep the old.

One is silver and the other gold.

I Am Learning How to Share

(To the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down)

I am learning how to share,

how to share,

how to share.

I am learning how to share.

I’ll share my heart with you.

Writing With Children: Sharing Writing

  • Ahead of time create a special area for listening and sharing. It might include a chair, carpet square, beanbag, or large pillow.
  • Tell the children this is called the Author’s Corner.
  • Explain that when they have completed a picture and a story, it is important to share it with others.
  • In this area there are specific rules for speaking and listening.
  • Discuss what a good listener looks like. Write down the qualifications.
  • Show a picture for practicing purposes.
  • Model correct speaking and listening techniques.
  • Have your child practice speaking and listening with Day 2’s writing assignment.
  • Repeat activities several times to increase confidence.

Writing With Children: Conferencing

  • Have the children write their names and stamp the date at the top of the page.
  • Explain to your child conferencing is an important step for a good writer.
  • Conferencing includes sharing of information.
  • Give the children the writing prompt found on blackline 3.9a.
  • Tell them to write their name and date on the blackline.
  • Brainstorm ideas for writing.
  • Instruct the children to draw a picture. This is picture writing.  Grown up writing will be included in the conference (written by teacher or teacher aide).
  • At the conference have your child tell the story in their picture.
  • Remind them that picture writing is just as important as grown-up writing.
  • Sharing or conferencing is another important step in learning to write.

Colors and Feelings: Finding Emotions

  • Color can be associated with many feelings.
  • Look through your crayons, markers, and colored pencils. Pick a few of your favorites.
  • Discuss with the children how different colors make them feel.
  • Take an 11 x 17 piece of paper and divide into squares.
  • Have the children count the number of squares; tell them that they need to choose one crayon per square.
  • Have the children color each square with a different color.
  • Have the children match each color with “word feelings” (i.e. sad, happy, mad, etc.).

Coupon Books: Lifting The Load

– (page 160 of Stepping Stones)

  • Blackline 2.12a, 2.12b can be done with both Pre-K and Kindergarten.
  • The coupons can be placed in a special pouch so the children can keep them organized.

How To Make a Pouch From Paper Bags

  • Explain to the children that they will be making a pouch out of a rectangle. Tell them the size of the paper, show them how you know the paper is, for example, 8 ½ x 11.  Use a ruler to measure the paper.
  • As the children are placing the coupons inside the pouch, have them count how many coupons are in the pouch.
  • Tell the children to pay close attention to the reaction on the person’s face when they hand them a coupon.

Writing Their Name

·  Talk to the children about the importance of writing their name neatly.

·  Write the name of each child on a separate piece of paper to demonstrate their name / nickname.

·  Point out to the children that the first letter in their names is always uppercase and the rest lowercase.

·  Give each child their piece of paper with their name printed.

·  Give the children the opportunity to practice tracing their name 5-6 times with their finger. 

Then have the children trace their name with rainbow colors using crayons.

Letter Orientation

This is a great pre-reading, writing and phonic activity:

  • Place a small chair in front of the class.
  • Turn the chair sideways and ask: What is this?
  • Turn the chair upside down and ask: What is this?
  • Have the children come up with a variety of uses for the chair.
  • Discuss with the children that the letters of the alphabet are similar but have different roles.
  • Write the following letters with a blue marker on separate pieces of paper: m and w or b, d, p, u, and n.
  • Turn letters upside down or backwards so the children can see the similarities: (i.e. m and w or b, d, and p, etc.).
  • Explain to the children that they need to be careful with the directions they write the letter, because it might not be the letter that they want.
  • Give them the opportunity to practice forming the letters m, w, u, and, n using air writing, shaving cream, sand table, rough wall paper, etc.
  • While the children are forming the letters have them make the sound of each letter.

Name Recognition Game

  • Write each child’s name on a paper plate.
  • Teacher gathers all the plates and stacks them together.
  • Have the children sit in a large circle.
  • Teacher then explains to the children that she/he will slide one plate at a time into the center of the circle (teacher demonstrates with their name).
  • Teacher then slides another plate with one of the student’s name into the center of the circle.
  • Sing the following to the tune…

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If your name is on the plate pick it up.

If your name is on the plate pick it up.

If your name is on the plate, then you’re really doing great!

If your name is on the plate pick it up.

  • Child picks up their name and takes it to teacher, while teacher gives the child another plate to slide to the center.


  • Clap 2x at the end of each phrase.

Build A House Using Shapes


  • Create large shapes from colored card stock.
  • Laminate for other uses.
  1. Triangles—roofs
  2. Small circles—all colors—flowers
  3. Squares—home base
  4. Large rectangles—brown—tree trunks
  5. Large circles—green—tree leaves
  6. Thin rectangles—green—grass
  7. Large circle—yellow—sun
  • Model telling stories while building a home scene.


Fun with Pets

· Bring in dog “stuffty”.

· During circle time, ask the children for details about each animal (bring in a bag so the child can describe the dog without seeing it).

· Make sure you take a picture of the student and dog together.

· After the students go home take photo records of all the dogs’ adventures.

· Here is a list of just a few…

            1.          Swinging

            2.          Jumping

            3.          Follow the leader

            4.          Resting/napping

            5.          Eating

            6.          Watching TV

            7.          Playing with various toys

            8.          Board games

            9.          Computer time

          10.        Teeth cleaning

      11.      Coloring


This is a simple homemade play-dough recipe that is a great math activity.


1 c flour

1 c water

2 t cream of tartar

1/3 c salt

1 t vegetable oil

food coloring

  1. Mix together all the ingredients except the color in a 2-quart saucepan.
  2. Cook over low/med heat.
  3. Once it begins to thicken, add the food coloring.
  4. Continue stirring until mixture is thick and clings to the spoon.
  5. Remove from the pan, place on wax paper or a plate to cool.
  6. Create a playdough station. A variety of child safe products are available, including mitten shaped cookie cutters from Wilton.

Note:  Store in sealable bag or airtight container for future use.


Puffy Paint Name


  • On cardstock, write the child’s name in large black letters.
  • The child will trace the letters using puffy paint (teacher directed)
  • Allow to dry completely

Recipe for Puffy Paint:

  • ¾ c Shaving Cream, Thick and Rich
  • ¼ c white glue
  • ¼ c white flour
  • food coloring

Mix all ingredients together.  Place paint in squeeze bottle for application.  Note:  This project is best used soon after it is made.

Variations:  This activity can be used in multiple ways:

  1. Index finger over each letter for practice.
  2. Crayon rubbings.
  3. Play dough mats—page protector.
  4. Dry erase marker—page protector.
  5. Rice or Sand Trays to practice writing letters or numbers.
  6. Use wikki sticks to form letters.

Use shaving cream to practice writing letters or numbers is a wonderful way to introduce writing skills.