· Gather supplies.
· Write the letters students need to practice, one on each card.
· Select a clear wall in your classroom.
· Place cards on the wall.
· Give the student an appropriate size ball for the room.
· Instruct them to strike a letter.
· When they hit a letter….
1. Say the letter name
2. Say the letter sound
3. Tell something that starts with that letter
Note: This activity can be guided by an older student if needed
Other Books for letter R
I Know a Rhino by Charles Fuge
Roar by Pamela Duncan Edwards
Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins
Row, Row, Row Your Boat by Pippa Goodhart
Learning Center Ideas
· Put out several polished rocks and the children can sort them by size, color, and shape.
· Put out rulers and several items to measure and let them go around the room and measure things.
· Create a robot out of recycled items, such as boxes, toilet paper rolls, ribbon, paper cups, and then supply glue and tape to put it together.
· Encourage the children to make up a story about their robot.
· Make rabbit faces out of toast cut in a circle with a round cookie cutter; then have the child spread peanut butter or almond butter on the toast. Then cut a half of a banana length wise and place them on the toast for the rabbit’s ears. Raisins can be used for the nose and eyes and black shoestring licorice for the whiskers. Then eat and enjoy!
Rat Race
Five little rats were in a race
Each one wanted to be in first place.
The first rat ran very slowly
The second thought hopping was the way to go.
The third little rat decided to walk.
The fourth little rat decided to run.
But is was the fifth little rat that won.